Tuesday, May 21, 2013

well unlike the well known song of 2 out of 3 ain't bad,  1 out of 3 is....

yesterdays goals were

Todays goals are

* To only eat delicious diet food (up to 4 portions)
* To drink 3 litres of water
* To exercise adequately to burn 600 calories


this Podgy Princess, did not manage to eat 4 portions of diet food - she only ate 2, but re-reading the goal of only eating delicious diet food (up to 4 portions) she guesses that she actually did manage this :) 

she did indeed manage to drink 3 litres of water

however the 600 calories specific exercise did not happen, 

but 2 out of 3 ain't apparently bad - there is a song about it so it must be true to I guess yesterday wasn't a terrible start to this attempt to mount a war on the flab....

(data - cals eaten 243 exercise total 187)

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